Saturday, March 23, 2013

"Women are sneaky"

That quote was said to me by my soon to be ex-wife Marie Hanna.  Perhaps it is better to say that some women and some wives are sneaky.

I have been seeing a friend who has been writing a blog for that past 13 years since her divorce.  It seems to be a good outlet for her.  So I thought I might give it a go.  I have been thinking about a blog since 2009 but now I may actually start posting.

My wife of 26 years moved out on June 5, 2012.  No discussion, she sent an email letting me know.  I came home to an empty home.  She took my son Thomas with her.  She chose to move into an average 2 bedroom apartment with rented furniture.

I did not take that well.  I am still disappointed and angry.  She unilaterally destroyed a marriage and damaged my family.  I later learned that she did have some help and has been unfaithful.

I am an INTJ, look it up.  There is a whole INTJ forum.  I am pretty smart and follow most of those traits.  We believe in right and wrong and do not tolerate betrayal well.  We also understand that then world is not black and white but have a strong sense of justice.  This is my attempt at venting and it it impacts her undeserved position, so be it.  Don't sleep with the boss and your integrity will not be questioned.

I believe Marie also suffers from the "walk away wife syndrome".  She has spent the last 5-10 years planning her escape.  I appreciate that is a bad reflection on me.  However, you can not fix a problem unless you deal with it.  Plus she had a plan.  She and Ray would someday rule the charter school world and live happily ever after.

She has had a pretty quick advance in the education field.  She is currently the superintendent at Connections Academy Ohio, a virtual charter school.  Ray Lambert recruited and promoted her.  They worked together at Riverside Academy.  Again, she had some help with her rise, probably to the detriment of other candidates

She was an assistant principal and has always worked closely with Raymond Lambert. School Leader of the Year by the Ohio Alliance for Public Charter Schools (OAPCS).  He moved up and so did she.

In my mind a good leader never crosses the line where their integrity can be challenged.  In this case they blew way through that line. 

I did become more reflective.  We did go through some counseling.  I learned about the walk away wife syndrome.  She assured the counselor, multiple times, there was nothing between her and Ray Lambert.   She lied.  During the counseling she was continuing to carry on with Ray Lambert.  She had a special phone for calling Ray.

Self preservation is a strong motivator.

I always suspected something between those two.  While I was on a boy scout trip she called and left a message that she was staying overnight in Columbus unexpectedly.  I think she did this a couple of times while I was out on trips. 

She knew way too many personal details such as the fact that at least one of Ray's relatives has questionable judgment and  likes to sleep with married men; at least that is what Marie told me.  I guess it runs in the family.  Again, when does that come up in a professional relationship?

She would drone on about his low opinion of the management of Connections Academy.  His connections. His job offer from K-12.  I really hoped he would take that job to get him the hell away from my wife.

Over the years I heard way too much about Ray Lambert.  I have a pretty good health history of Ray from Marie, it is not too good.  He is a 59 year old ex Jr. Colonel who somehow has managed to survive in the world of charter schools.  Check out the results of all of the schools he has been invovled with.  Pretty unimpressive.  He does have his concealed carry permit, something my attorney noted to the NKY police department.

Marie told me more than once that sometimes men cannot maintain an erection while under medication.   She sounded a little too familiar with that situation.   I do not have this issue.  When does this come up? Pillow talk?  Too much information?

So many details, yet she neglected to tell me that he divorced his wife in 2010.  I am sure that it may have cost him more financially if the ex-Mrs. Lambert found out about their relationship.

I once received a letter addressed to Ray Lambert at my home from a hotel awards program.  Marie is a pretty good liar and concocted a story about having to set up a reservation for him as the secretary was out of town.  Way too many red flags over the years.

I always thought this email was interesting.  I wonder why they had to leave abruptly?

From: Marie XXXX <>;
To: <>;
Subject: Fw: RE: Award Ceremony
Sent: Fri, Nov 19, 2010 3:54:14 PM

Honestly this is disturbing.

--- On Fri, 11/19/10, Patricia Hughes

From: Patricia H
Subject: RE: Award Ceremony
To: "Marie XXX" <>
Date: Friday, November 19, 2010, 9:18 AM
Hello Marie,

It was nice to see you, too.  I did have a chance to reflect on how longstanding relationships are what keeps the fabric of our society in tact, don't you think?  The one person we have in common is Ray, and obviously we feel the same about him and have for years now.

Your affiliation with an excellent eschool and "mentoring" by OACSA's administrator of the year speaks highly of your experience and potential to take the helm of a school, so yes, I'd be happy to refer schools to you.  Would you like to forward your resume to me so that I can send it out to likely prospects?  Id' be happy to do that for you and for those potential employers. 

Thanks for your positive comments.  They mean alot coming from one who has also worked for the success of our movement.

Happy Thanksgiving.

From: Marie XXXX[]
Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 2010 5:40 PM
To: Patricia H
Subject: Award Ceremony
Dear Pat,

It was nice to see you today.  I really enjoyed seeing people and schools that I had known from the past doing so well.   It has been an uphill battle for many of us to get where we are today.  I am sorry we left abruptly.  Ray was not feeling well.

I would ask you to keep me in mind if any SW Ohio school administrator positions come to your attention.   I have been with OCA for over 5 years now and would be open to other opportunities.

Again, I congratulate you and the schools you sponsor on achieving excellent and effective ratings.  I realize the hard work this represents.  I appreciate how instrumental you have been to the charter  movement in Ohio all this time and am glad that you are seeing some wonderful results.


Marie Hanna

Fuck you Marie, Ray, and Patricia Hughes.  This is a scam