Friday, July 15, 2016

300 Posts- A milestone. Sharing some of the many random open tabs in mybrain.

“Because I can…”  My new motto.  This is a nice sentiment and opportunity.  I am chained to my mortgage and career but the benefits are pretty good.  Other than that very few obligations.

So I post on my blog.

 Shameless Plagiarized Disclaimer:

“Persons attempting to find a motive in this narrative will be prosecuted; persons attempting to find a moral in it will be banished; persons attempting to find a plot in it will be shot.
Mark Twain, The Adventures of Huck Finn

Like me, it is an acquired taste.  Some things that amuse or bemuse me.

Some are still works in progress as I am a work in progess. 

Some are mean and some are funny.

There are a lot of really important, insightful, thoughtful and serious blogs on the internet.  This is not one of them.

A great quote for the day:


Enjoy the ride……


I intend to……


Wednesday, July 13, 2016


Sometimes such a fine line between brilliance and stupidity.  Darwin's theory at work.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Thought for the day

Problem solved.  That is a pretty satisfying.  

We live in a pretty gray world.  Sometimes seeing things as black or white is quite satisfying. It works or it doesn't.  It's fixed or it's not.

Most of life is not so easily defined.  Complicated problems with subjective answers. 

We are all mechanics to some degree.  Sometimes we cannot fix some problems.  That is not so satisfying.

Friday, July 1, 2016

A random update

I think a lot.  Time for another post.  I have been doing a lot of thinking but not much writing.  Too much fodder.  Some of the current thoughts running through my days and nights.

 I need to break it down in pieces.

Taking a road trip.  Going home again.  My son Thomas and his new wife are coming.  It is good to go home but as the saying says, you can never really go home. 

Mom fell again.  This time she fractured her heal.  Third fall in a year.  The big family home is not that handicapped friendly.

Thomas is deploying somewhere at the end of the month with the Marines.  Some places he mention as possible temporary stops are Italy, Africa, Yemen and Libya.  He does not know and will deploy like a good Marine.

I have been busy at work.  One of my attorney employees went MIA after being stressed and underappreciated.  He has that what I describe as a New Jersey attitude.  Not a very pleasant person.  He is a strange bird.  He works out of his home and has never really adjusted claims thus he struggles.  He is on indefinite disability while I suspect he looks for a new job.  I hope he finds it.  Sometimes managing people sucks.

My new boss is a pain in the ass.  A busy busy woman with no apparent other life.

I think about INTJ stuff.  Why am I wired the way I am?

The dating life is going reasonably well.  V is an interesting woman.  Kind and smart.  So very busy, meeting people, breakfast meetings, lunch meetings, dinner meetings and running her non-profit organization.  So very scheduled.  It is hard to hit a moving target. 

I am many things she did not envision. A motorcyclist. Facial hair. A non-conformist.  An INTJ.  Yet somehow we fill a space for each other. 

Barb has reached out a couple of times.  Damn sometimes I miss her.  Not sure if I could fix some of our issues and could just leave to more disappointment.

I am enjoying reading and commiserating with others on the ADVRIDER.Com site.  I think about my independence and the red pill.  A different perspective.  Outcome independence as the red pillers like to say.  I continue to try to improve myself and realize that I have been too beta and failed to address issues that were not working for me from others.