Monday, November 10, 2014

PO Box 54763, Cincinnati OH

This is the address my ex-wife Marie C. Hanna is using.

“A lie may take care of the present but it has no future.”
I went to Lowes this weekend carpet shopping.  Plugged in my telephone number and it comes up with an alternate address, 4250 Glenstream Batavia, OH.  The home of Raymond Lambert.

My initial visceral reaction as to my ex-wife, Marie C. Hanna: you lying piece of shit.  
You lied to my face about your affair with Ray Lambert.  You slept with the boss.  You lied to the marriage counselor.  You lied to your work.  You lied to your children.  You are still lying.  That is a shitty thing to do.  At least you are not lying to Lowes.
My reaction was much stronger than I anticipated.  I hate liars.

Why lead a life of lies?

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