Monday, November 23, 2015

Day Seven of the ride

“The man who goes alone can start today; but he who travels with another must wait till that other is ready.” – Henry David Thoreau

There were a few moments from day 6 where I was feeling a little sorry for myself and missing some human companionship.  I got over it.  I wait on very few.  No one is waiting on me.

I am looking forward to this day.  To the Tetons! and into Yellowstone National Park.  I also want to ride the Bear Tooth pass.  I have fond memories of both places.  I was there as a kid twice, once early in my marriage and again with my sons.  I imagine myself sitting on the deck of the Old Faithful Lodge watching the geyser explode. 

As usual it is farther than it looks on the map.  I keep hoping that I will see the Tetons but it is not until I cross Togwatee pass and am heading down to the valley do I see the Tetons.  I stop as a scenic overlook to snap some pictures and take a break.  It is a fine view.  Some bicyclists, a middle aged couple,  pull in to the overlook whom I passed earlier.  They were riding across the country.  They were not taking the easy route.  The pass we just came over was 9600 feet.  They were heading to Seattle. 


Do they not know that it would be much more efficient if they just strapped a motor on those bikes?  They have more mountain passes to conquer.  What they are doing is impressive.  I prefer my ride.

I ride down the valley and into Jackson Hole.  A neat town, but expensive.  Again, there are a lot of cool spots in the world but then they get discovered and too many people lessen the attractiveness (screw it up) of the place. I think of California as a prime example.  But I digress.

Here is my lunch spot.


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