Thursday, December 17, 2015

Day Seven and Plan D completed

Yellowstone is a busy place.  Despite the incredible scenery, you have to search for some solitude.  You also have to search for a camp site. 

When I rode into the park there is a sign with camp ground vacancies.  There was not much open and they were on the north end of the park. 

So after the geyser show, I went on my quest to find a campsite.  I passed three that were full.  I headed north past the West entrance to Norris campground.  It was full.  I checked the walk in sites.  They were full.  I ate a granola bar and pondered my situation.  I was tired.  The nearest campground was an hour away and there was not guarantee that there would be any room there.  The north road was under construction and was now unpaved.

I think I was on at least plan D by this time.  As plan A,B and C had not worked out.  I decided to use my charm.  I rode around the campground until I found what I was looking for.  A truck, with a motorcycle and  a very large travel trailer.  It had Texas plates.  I used to live in Texas.  They owned motorcycles.  They were not using the tent area. 

I went way out of my comfort zone and knocked on the door.  George answered and I explained my situation.    After a brief inspection that I was not obviously an axe murderer  and a discussion with his wife in the trailer he agreed to let me stay.

I set up my tent.  A modest home but I will sleep well tonight.  I eat the second half of my Jackson Hole sandwich.


Yours truly
George comes out.  He is a member of the Christian Motorcyclist Association.  We talk. I have not talked to anyone for more than a few minutes in a week. We talk a lot. His focus is on proselytizing.   We talk about  families and divorces.  He is on wife number three.  She is unhealthy and never left the trailer while I was there.  We talk about Texas and motorcycles.  He travels for six months of the year.   In his experience men who ride motorcycles solo are running from something.  He has seen a lot.  He has a solution.  It is Jesus.  The highway of hope…

George is an interesting guy.  I am not convinced I need fixing but keep some of these thought to myself, not to debate my kind host. 

Plan D is a success.  The air is crisp and cold.  It will be a nice night.

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