Saturday, October 18, 2014

Absence of Pain?

It's hard to reintroduce the wonderment of youth into a mature life. Maybe that's why so many cheat on their spouses and partners, that thrill of seeking out that which is new and exciting. But even that fades, at a certain age there simply isn't that much that is new out there. And that's when you have to come to grips.  At some point in life there's nothing left others can give you to "make you happy" and you have to become happy through conscious choice.

Iv'e been pondering happiness lately.
Or rather, my lack of feeling happy.

I should feel happy, I have nothing to be unhappy about.

That's when I decided happiness is most likely relative.
Most of the things that made me happy as a child don't make me happy now.

"Make me happy". When I think about it even that sounds wrong.
I don't think anything can make me "feel" anything. It's all brain chemistry in reaction to something from outside of myself.

Does riding my bike make me happy, or just distract me from my current thoughts?

I'm often happier at work. Or am I just more distracted from my current thoughts?

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