Thursday, July 16, 2015

Dread, Relief or Fuck No

It appears my latest relationship is dying a quiet death.  This is impacting my sleep and increasing my anxiety levels.  Overthinking again.  Not sure that I want to wade back into the dating pool but I know I will.

My ego has previously taken a pretty hard hit in the past.  Infidelity will do that to you.

Here is the main problem:

I am not feeling it from her. The sex is not fuck yes for me.  I understand that sometimes the sex drive of older women is diminished.  Kind of like trying to start a foreign car on a cold winter night.

Life is complicated.  We have work, kids and other obligations.  I am competing for her attention with her children, her twin sister, the care of her father, her hiking.  Too often I am not feeling the “fuck yes” from her side.  Some of that makes sense to me, some of it is a definite lack of “fuck yes”.

The intellectual stimulation for me is not a fuck yes.

She is attractive and sweet.  We have traveled and it was great.  Part of me thinks I can fix this.  Part of me thinks she is a fool for not seeing what a great partner I could be.  Part of her seems reluctant to cut the tie and go back to her fairly boring routine.

 I think I will go for a ride.  Colorado sound nice.


  1. No fuck yes intellectually is a fuck no, in my book. Same with the sex drive. I am driven by connection and those two are so fucking important. ;-) Literally and metaphorically.

  2. And yes, she's an idiot.
