Friday, September 27, 2013

This is how the game works

Connections Academy is doing the same thing.

Again, look at their failing report card.  In my opinion, the focus is on the money, not the results.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Conflict of interest reflected in Ohio Connections Academy Board Minutes

Tell me how this is not a conflict of interest.  Given the money that the State of Ohio is paying Connections Academy should we not expect more from its leaders?

This is the 2010 School leader of the year?

Raymond Lambert runs the meeting on Marie Hanna's performance and salary 6-29-12

Marie buys Ray a $400 table and has it delivered to his home 10 days later.

Marie Hanna and Ray Lambert are house shopping together, see prior posts.

Don't shit where you eat.

Ohio Connections Academy (OCA) Board Meeting
Friday, June 29, 2012 at 9:00 a.m.

To be held in person at 130 East Wilson Bridge Road, Suite 25, Worthington, Ohio 43085

I. Call to Order – G. Schuster

II. Roll Call – G. Schuster

III. Public Comment

The Board welcomes participation by the members of the public both in-person and telephonically. To address an item on the agenda, before the scheduled start of the meeting, an individual must write their name and a short description of the agenda item on which they wish to comment on the card provided and submit this to the Chair, along with any materials they want to have distributed to Board. Individuals who wish to address the Board telephonically must contact the School Principal by phone or by email at least twenty four (24) hours before the scheduled start of the Board meeting. If the individual wants to provide any written materials to the Board, these should be emailed to the School Principal at least twenty four (24) hours before the scheduled start of the meeting.

The total time for any individual to present, either in person or via telephone, on an item on the agenda shall not exceed three (3) minutes, unless the Board grants additional time.

Individuals desiring to make a formal presentation to the Board on an item not on the agenda but desiring it be placed on the agenda must provide notice and written submissions detailing the subject of the presentation to the School Principal at least fourteen (14) days prior to the meeting. Any such presentation shall not exceed fifteen (15) minutes in duration, unless otherwise permitted by the Chair.

To view the Board Public Comment Policy, visit the school’s "About Us" page at

IV. Routine Business a. Approval of Agenda – G. Schuster


V. Executive Session – To discuss Principal Bonus for the 2011-2012 School Year and Compensation for the School Principal 2012-2013 School Year (attached) – R. Lambert

VI. Action Based on Executive Session: Approval of Compensation for the School Principal 2012-2013 School Year – R. Lambert  (emphasis added)

VII. Oral Reports

a. Principal’s Report (Principal’s Report and MSR attached) – M. Hanna

b. Financial Report (attached) – S. Millard/T. Ochs i. 2010-2011 Audit Update


VIII. Consent Items a. Approval of Minutes from the May 25, 2012 Meeting (attached)

b. Approval of Staffing Report (attached)

c. Acceptance of Bank Reconciliation (attached)

d. Approval of Board Meeting Schedule for the 2012-2013 School Year (attached)


IX. Action Items a. Approval of Connections Academy of Ohio, LLC Invoice for May (attached) – S. Millard

b. Approval of Revised Connections Academy of Ohio, LLC Fee Schedule for the 2011-2012 School Year (attached) – T. Ochs

c. Approval of the Revised Budget for the 2012-2013 School Year (attached) – T. Ochs

d. Approval of Directors – H. Woodward

e. Approval of Officers – H. Woodward


X. Information Items a. Legislative Update – S. Stagner

b. Update on Race to the Top – A. Trachsel

c. OCCS Representative Update – L. Schafer


XI. Acceptance of the Resignation of Tracey Hingsbergen (attached) – G. Schuster

XII. Adjournment and Next Meeting Date – Friday, August 24, 2012 at 9:00 a.m.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Mark of the INTJ Rational-Mastermind

By David W. Boles

We Are Viciously Loyal
We do not betray and we do not tolerate betrayal in others. Our word means everything to us because promises influence our acts. We do not collect friends or affection. We pick a couple of people and stick with them forever. We are not picky or choosy.

“Moving forward…”
As future thinkers, we have, at times, the uncanny ability to know what will happen in the future before most of the people around us. That ability is sometimes interpreted by others as being “arrogant” and we work on trying to keep our mouths from always saying “I told you so” because that doesn’t go over well even though we are right to say it.
We have the gift of, not predicting the future, but of knowing what will happen before it happens based on cultivating, chalking out and extending the current situation. Sometimes that can be scary for us because we can see something bad happening before our eyes before it actually happens.
Right and Wrong
We generally have strongly-held values about right and wrong and “right and wrong” for many of us are defined in a social sense and not necessarily a religious one. We know the world is grey but doing the right thing — the promises we make to each other kind of morality — is important to us because it helps shape the world into the worthy and the unworthy of our involvement.
Seeing Justice done is a vital element for us because it carves the right stake in society.

I find writing and organizing this blog therapeutic.