Monday, June 19, 2017

Day 14

It was good seeing old friends in Wisconsin.  10 hours in the saddle to get home.  Nothing particularly interesting in Illinois and Indiana.  Just point and go.

The end of my journey lacked any sort of dramatic flourish that I had imagined along the way.

I had imagined that my girlfriend would want to see me.  Perhaps I would stop by her home on the way to my house to receive her welcome.

She had made other plans.

The journey was an act of independence.  A challenge to myself.

Challenge accepted.

I wrote the account to remember the moments of the adventure.  The hot, the uncomfortable, the beauty, the failures and the excitement.  It gave me a chance to ponder and write in my own clumsy way.

The relationship with Barb would end in less than six months.  I found someone in her that was more independent than myself. 

She had other plans.

Friday, June 9, 2017

In the moment

Sometimes it is good to not overthink

Motorcycles assist in this process.  The focus is the moment.

On a long stretch the mind does wander.  Sometimes it may take a whole tank

Nothing in this life is permanent

So it goes 

Friday, June 2, 2017

Working for the man

The silly season is upon Liberty Mutual again.

Their goal is to make it to the top 100 places to work.  It ain't happening. 

Time to reorganize.  That should help.

Apparently the SVP in charge of claims did not like it and bailed.

More productivity, cheaper employees.  They have discovered that people will do my job at a pay grade lower.  Saving money for the stockholders, oh wait, we have no stockholders.  Perhaps the dividends will go up? Oh, they do not pay dividends.  Perhaps the corporate suite can buy another jet or invest in a new country. 

My 6th reorganization in 30 years. 

Stay tuned.....