Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Peggy, That might be a good thing to mention - Dating adventures

I like to meet potential dates at the dog park. It is casual and safe.  Most women like my dog, Dusty, as he is a handsome and awesome dog.   If  there is not attraction at least Dusty gets a work out.

Now if I ask you if you would like to meet at the dog park you might mention that you do not like dogs and dog parks.  Just saying....

The yoga pants were nice.  You really did look good in them. 


Monday, August 22, 2016

Charter Schools: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Good stuff.  I like John Oliver more than ever.  This scam is making national news.  Ohio gets special mention.  White Hat Management also gets special attention.  Online schools get exposed.

A billion dollar failed experiment.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

The Intuitive Realist: The INTJ

What a sexy title!


This author is spot on.  He or she hits on several key characteristics.   Good stuff here. I did correc a couple of spelling errors.  Must not have been written by an INTJ.

"Fiercely loyal, serious in tone, direct in communication style, INTJs are a hard win but a solid win. Once you’ve won them, they are the best ally you could possibly ever have but getting to that point can be a painful, laborious process. That’s because INTJs have really high standards for themselves and for others close to them. They do not wish to see themselves as mediocre in quality nor do they wish to be surrounded by hoards of riffraff. INTJs value quality over quantity, preferring perfection or something very close to it. "

"An INTJ’s mental construct is electrical energy protected and guided by fiber optics or copper wiring in a structured way. There are no random connections. Every connection serves a purpose and every memory or lesson learned is neatly filed away for future reference."

"INTJs also alleviate stress by engaging in sensory activities. INTJ hobbies (unlike their work) are usually highly engaging for eyesight, smell, taste, touch, and sound. They’ll get into dancing, car racing, outdoor activities, sports, music, cooking, etc. INTJs rarely pursue intellectual/cerebral hobbies as a way of relieving stress, rather finding it to be either pointless or even counterproductive to that end. They do, however pursue knowledge out of curiosity and practical purpose as well as genuine excitement but those motives seem to be independent of stress relief. "

"But there’s more to being an INTJ than just being hyper-efficient and strategic. INTJs are also lazy.
Yep, lazy.
The irony is that INTJs will often put a ton of work in at first just to make sure they don’t have to put in a ton of work later. The less repetitive work, the better. Easily bored, they will replicate a process only a few times before they decide to dwindle down the steps to even fewer. Lazy shits, they are but brilliantly so."

Laziness or boredom with some of the social connections can be a struggle.  This can be an issue with relationships that require constant and consistent nurturing.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Round 37

Round 37 of my love life.  Sometimes it does feel like a boxing match, some pain is inflicted by each boxer or lover.

I am not sure there has actually been 37 rounds but it does feel like a slough.

Vanessa passed through all the logical checks.  I let her into my heart.  I let few people in to that space.

I am trying to live a more active and healthy lifestyle. Trying to find someone who can keep up mentally and physically. Looking for that visceral attraction.

My intuition tells me this is not right.  She has had a pretty spoiled life until her unpleasant divorce.  She has some weight issues.  Some back problems. I think long-term.  What will this look like five years from now?  

A Saturday night date.  First she has to hang with the mayor at the NAACP convention.  Driving to my home, a car crash.  I rescue her.  A trip to the emergency room. I took her home to her apartment.  She fell asleep bruised and sore but ok.  I went home to care for my dog.

An unmet expectation that I would take her to my home. Be there for her 24-7

I had rationally analyzed her situation. I have eleven broken bones in my body.  Three stents, a missing gallbladder. I healed.  I deal with death and catastrophic injuries.  This is not so bad.

She has family and friends.  Ultimately, she did not like my nursing or lack of nursing.  She let me know I was obviously defective.   I had failed her test.  I was not the man she was looking for.

I felt like an asshole. But I was pretty sure she was not the woman I was looking for.

We have moved on.

The woman who still gets in my head is Barb.  She occasionally texts me.  I text her back.  Despite our issues there is still a visceral attraction for me.

We agreed to meet for dinner.  We arrived at the same time.  She hugged me and grabbed my hand to hold it going into the restaurant.  Wow! It is like we are a couple again for that hour.

Nothing has changed for her.  She still is dealing with a challenging college student.  She still cares for her ailing father.

We exchange some texts.  I am emboldened and send her a song.  I ask if she had found it.  She replies found what?  I sent her the song “She Lost that Loving feeling”

She replied. I am not looking.

Screw it, relationships suck.