Wednesday, April 23, 2014


I have concluded that I don’t like holidays.  Left alone, I have too much time to think.  Easter is bad because most everything is closed.  Most everyone has family obligations.  I am really not interested in attending church or going through that façade.  It is my interpretation that the Christian God does not grade on a curve.  You are in or out.  Going to church a couple of times a year won’t get you there.

Christmas in 2012 was better as they had an incredibly violent movie, Django in Chains to distract me.  A long movie.  12:00 showing.  Pretty entertaining.  Nothing quite so distracting for this Easter.

So I went  for a motorcycle ride.  Sometimes it takes a whole tank of gas to clear one’s head.  Perfect day for a ride.  West Virginia is really pretty close if you point in that general direction.  The bike runs good and can get up and move.

I dreaded the day when my children would need to be re- introduced to Ray Lambert in beautiful Batavia Ohio.   Apparently either sufficient time has passed in my ex- wife’s mind to make the reintroduction or there is an attempt to rehabilitate his reputation.  I guess they are going public if she is entertaining at his home.

I really do not want my children associating with dishonorable people.

I expressed my displeasure to David, Jr. in that I still thought Raymond Lambert was (generally) a low life scum for screwing around with a married woman, damaging two families.  Plus he is screwing around with his subordinate employee.  He had a wife and seven children.  Totally unethical.  Do not shit where you eat.  If you get caught eating and cheating do what most politicians and military people do.  Resign, start anew.  I wonder how he would reacted if his wife had screwed around on him when he was off on a deployment in the military.   

It is not right for third parties to inject themselves in someone else’s relationship.  But what good for the goose is good for the gander?  I still think that He’s a homewrecker site would be deserving.

David Jr. had long left before I returned.  I have not spoken to him.  I could tell he was uncomfortable.

So, too much time to think.

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