Tuesday, November 4, 2014

According to the Onion, I need to keep an open mind....

WILMETTE, IL—Describing himself as "open-minded" and "very willing to try new things," 48-year-old law firm partner Richard Bogan told reporters Saturday that, as unconven­tional as it may sound, he's actually quite receptive to the idea of dating 25-year-old women.

"I know we wouldn't have very much in common and would probably have completely different values, but I think those are obstacles I would be able to overcome," said Bogan, who added that after giving the matter a lot of thought, he had to admit the concept of getting involved with an attractive woman in her mid-20s very much appealed to him. "While you might think I'd be embarrassed to be seen with someone young enough to be my daughter, at this point in my life, I'm comfortable enough with who I am not to care what people think about me."

"I'm not saying it's for everybody, but for me personally, if the opportunity came along to engage in a romantic relationship with a woman just a couple years out of college, I'd be willing to give it a shot," Bogan continued. "But hey, that's just me."

Bogan said he was "fully aware" there were many differences between himself and 25-year-old women, citing, in particular, their youthful temperaments, taut figures, and the more trendy, revealing clothing they often wear. However, despite such generational dissimilarities, Bogan confirmed he would still consider going out with someone that age.

In fact, Bogan stated he would likely be "totally fine with it," even if the young woman were Asian.
"Look, I understand that a far younger woman would have much less life experience and be in an inferior financial position, but I think I would still be okay with dating her," Bogan said. "You know, I actually have quite a bit of money, and I wouldn't be averse to spending some of it to keep her happy. Maybe I could take her on a luxurious vacation or pay for her to go shopping. Who knows? A 25-year-old woman might even find that enjoyable."

Recognizing that some men might be ashamed of a two- decade age difference or attempt to hide such a relationship, the middle-aged Chicago attorney said he would in many ways be proud, actually, to be seen alongside a gorgeous young woman. Bogan went on to say he would be very much willing to introduce a 25-year-old woman to his friends and colleagues, as well as spend time with her and her equally young female friends at trendy night spots.

"If she wanted me to try certain fashions that I would never in a million years choose for myself but that she thought made me more attractive—like wearing skintight shirts or growing out a goatee—I could probably make that work," Bogan said. "I'd also be willing to listen to music and attend concerts that would make a man of my age look completely out of place, if she wanted. I guess I'm just an easygoing guy in that way."

"I know, I know—a young, fit, 25-year-old yoga instructor seems like the last type of woman I'd be interested in," Bogan said while smiling and shaking his head. "But I am who I am, you know?"
According to Bogan, even if a 25-year-old were more sexually adventurous than he was accustomed to, he believed that would be something he could deal with.

While acknowledging he does not know how his feelings will evolve as the years pass, Bogan said he could see himself being open to dating 25-year-olds well into his 60s or 70s.

Bogan also mentioned that if things didn't work out with one 25-year-old, he wouldn't rule out trying it again.

"It sounds crazy, but a really, really good-looking twentysomething woman is actually a huge turn-on for me," Bogan said. "I can't quite put my finger on it, but it seems there's just something about intellectually unchallenging, fitter, more youthful-looking women that I'm very drawn to."
But regardless of his self-described "open-minded" approach toward dating, Bogan confirmed there were some characteristics in women he considered nonstarters.

"I've met a lot of 49- and 50-year-olds, and frankly, we just don't seem to connect," Bogan said. "There's no spark, no attraction. While it might work for other people, I'm personally not really open to the idea of dating older women."

"We all have our boundaries," Bogan added.

1 comment:

  1. David, you are a sexist ass, and I say that with the greatest of affection. ;-)
