Friday, November 22, 2013

Compliments of Vermin

Dietary Rant warning

I asked Edwardo to ask Indian guy B if was a raramuri of running fame and he claimed he was and could easily run for two days straight. The guy had a touch of grey in his hair and I presumed he could remember running for two days straight but hadn't done it since Miami Vice was on the air. Without calling him a baldfaced liar I just nodded. The running raramuris eat corn, beans, melons and nuts and berries they forage With the occasional fricaseed gopher to round out the diet. They have no degenerative diseases and have been known to run for 400 miles at a stretch. This bloke had moved into a town with Satan (Coke) in the pop cooler.

Notice what I call "the death bloat" swelling his mid section and he got to throw away his training bra for his budding man boobs.

This is were I get spit all over people at parties (which I am less and less frequently invited to).

When I refered to the machine as being evil I really mean destructive to humanity. I am beating up on Coke but it really pertains to any company traded on the Wall Street.

Cokes primary product is absolutely destructive to your body and so they could increase their profits they put an addictive kicker in there for grins.

This is were all the grumpy old men say well it is the customers free choice that they consume gallons of this poison per day. And that is somewhat true and if the consumers stupidity hurt only them I wouldn't care less but the damage is aggregated. In other words my health insurance has to pay to lop off the purple toes of the morbidly obese people that become enslaved to that liquid. This is one of the things that is kind of freakin me out about this country. Al quida kills three thousand plus or minus and we freak out and run around like chickens with our heads kut off and Coke and Kraft foods extrude their way into what I am sure is tens of millions of premature deaths while their "customers" walk around like bloated zombies until at the age of forty they cant hold their own weight anymore and they get those scooters. 

Pay attention younguns it wasn't like that even 30 years ago. Look in the old pictures from family events. Go to cabelas and look at all the folks duck hunting fotos on the wall the dudes are thin. then look around you at the zombies. I know I was one till the stent and I had the big awakening. 

I actually thank god that I have heart disease because it put me on this path.

I think there is a reason all religions had some food related restrictions because they knew people had to have the fear of god in them to avoid eating stuff that tasted good that is bad for you. 

I don't really blame Coke, by the rules of the game they are absolutely forbidden to have a consciense but this has to start from the ground up in my slacker revolution. The guys in the cubicles at Coke wake up every morning trying to dream up new ways to cheapen the product and cram more of the product down your gizzard.

Slacker logic. Coke cost money ergo you need a job to buy coke. Water used to be free and it still comes out of the tap free usually. 

Eat like the Raramuri = thin, tons of energy and endurance beyond your wildest dreams

Eat like your average midwestern cube dwelling resident = bloat out, type 2 diabetes by the time you are 40, walk around in a food coma, high blood pressure and lopped of legs by 45 and die of a heart attack when you are 50.

As it turns out because I eat exclusively out of a can on my excellent adventures by default I do eat like the raramuri. I pretty much eat beans and corn and yams and stuff on trips and I will generally loose 5 pounds per week.

Our current national debate on who pays for health care is the stupidest thing I have ever seen. We all pay for bad health one way or the other. The suits love your illness and death it is a treasure trove. 

Did you ever notice most of the growth industries in this country are actually failure modes of humanity? Prisons, hospitals, casinos, law enforcement it is all pretty much trying to fix the stuff after it has broken. Well it aint gonna work. Can you imagine Chinas Nightmare if they have the same results as we have with our much touted western lifestyle? 3 billion people with diabetes. Merck will love it.

Our country is full of people trying to make slam dunks without even knowing how to dribble the ball.

I hope I offended everybody

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