Friday, November 8, 2013

Grumpy mood but found a new website

I am kind of in a grumpy mood.  Found out I need a cardiac catheterization  where they stick a tube in me and look for blockages.  Should be fun.

I have been surfing the web.  It is a good diversion.  I can never suck up too much information.

This was on the front page of MSN today.  A homewrecking site.  I immediately thought of two perfect candidates.

I am inclined to fill out the form, provide the web picture from Ray Lambert's employer, and let er rip.  Bottom line, he fucked with someone else's wife, he is a homewrecker.

Need to come up with a succinct  story for the website.  I can do that.

I wonder if they would dislike a third-party interfering with their personal relationship?  That would suck wouldn't it?

Fuck this no fault divorce bullshit.  There is such a thing as fault and such a thing as consequences.

That may eventually drive a stake through Ray's and the ex-wife's career.  Google is not your friend.

I was cleaning out a closet yesterday and found an email from 2003 Ray Lambert to Marie Hanna.  She must have liked it enough to save it.  He is offering her compliments, commenting on boards and how they are easily lead around by the nose and offering to meet her for happy hour.  He is pretty slick.  He is trying to seduce her. Throw in some power and  promotions from Ohio Connections Academy and you might just get laid.

Fucking homewreckers, I hate them.  At least they can spend 24-7 together.  Probably not as exciting as sneaking off for a quicky in Columbus.

The timing of my finding that email was bad.  I think that I have commented on INTJ things earlier in this blog.  We are sometimes called "masterminds".  That can be used for good or evil.  Some famous movie villains are portrayed as INTJs.  We hate to be outmaneuvered.  We like planning and envisioning the results.  A little like a chess which I am pretty good at.  Sometimes we just sit back and watch the game play out and have a pretty good idea that it will end badly for someone.  Somehow we can do this without remorse.  Live and let die?



  1. True...but it also keeps you stuck. If you want to move forward, at some point you have to let go of the betrayal. Does the place you find yourself now bring you joy? If it does, by all means, mastermind away.

  2. And remember also that the very best revenge is to lead a happy, joyful, love filled life without them. You feed both of their egos by continuing to focus on hope for their pain instead of your own pursuit of happiness.
