Friday, January 30, 2015

Self-actualization. The fever is high.

I started thinking about writing about women and relationships.  Something I really have not blogged about.  I think about it often.  I need security, love, and a bunch of other things to fully connect.  Yet if I do not have all of those elements, life goes on.  A needs versus wants question.  Maslow’s hierarchy of needs stuff.

My son is engaged to be married.  I wish him well.  I see a lot of myself in him.  He knows what he wants and is entirely confident he will achieve a great relationship.  I was young once.

Women are wonderful creatures.  I like women.  They are often kind and soft and curvy in the right places.  So many wonderful qualities.  Most are mothers.  That is an awesome accomplishment which is denied to half the population.

This is a subject I have given much thought.  It is hard to write for me to write about women and relationships.  Women (and men) are complex.  It occurs to me that I have too many thoughts.  The brain is obnoxiously powerful and I slip into overthinking.  I think there may be an advantage of being stupid.  Stupid people just do.  They do not have delusions of great improvement and perfection.  But I digress…..

It is easier to express things in a quick image or joke that may contain more than a kernel of truth.  Sound-bites for a blog.  That is how the world operates now, limited deep thought and analysis, just 30 second sound-bites.  I can do that.  So it goes…..

The dissolution of my marriage and the betrayal was hard. People change, I accept that.  It is easy to find conduct that offends me and it is easy to find things that I dislike.   That does not answer the secret to relationships other to know what is terribly bad.  But I digress….

I work hard and play hard.  No one wants that naggy girlfriend that is attached to your hip 24/7.  I have come to the conclusion that relationships are hard.  Avoidance is an option.  I read about the red hats for women and the red pills for men.  Lots of different philosophies.  It seems like there are a lot of bitter folks out there.  I do not want to be bitter.  But I digress…..

I aim to please, but I don’t like mistakes or to feel stupid.  I want to suck up all of the information on what makes relationships work.  I want to know what makes women tick.  There are too many answers.  The investment is high.  Risk reward is questionable.  I question whether or not I am completely willing to make the investment.  I am so busy so often.  I am skeptical that there are any true soul mates out there.  There is always room for improvement. 

This is hard to write.  I have no easy answers.  I am looking for that clean neat conclusion.  I am looking to get to the top of the pyramid.  Not going to happen is it? 

Do I want to much?  Perhaps it comes down to this: Does it work?


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