Thursday, September 10, 2015

Day four, a lucky idiot

“ arrive in the Rocky Mountains by plane would be to see them in one kind of context, as pretty scenery. But to arrive after days of hard travel across the prairies would be to see them in another way, as a goal, a promised land.”
Several time on this trip I realized I get a little careless when I am tired or push too far.  Maybe I am just getting old. This is my explanation for losing my shoe in South Dakota and the start of day 4 in Colorado.
Moving gear off the motorcycle and into a hotel or camp usually requires two trips.  Sometimes three if I forget something.  I have three small to medium bags, a helmet, a laptop in another bag, and my jacket.  I keep the rain gear and a few things locked in the side cases.

I had a good leisurely breakfast at the casino and went to my room to change into my riding gear.  Going through my pockets I look for my motorcycle key.  I can’t find it.  I have a lot of pockets. Pockets in my pants, pockets in my jacket, pockets in my cargo shorts. I look around the room, under the bed can’t find it.  I have a spare.  It is in Cincinnati.  My brain starts thinking of what it would take to get it here. I do not like the answer.  There could be worst palces to be stuck. 

I take a trek through the casino to the bike.  There the key is hanging off the helmet lock for all of the world to see.

I realize that I am a lucky idiot and go back to take trip one to load up the bike.

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